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            Antacid is a basic compound that used for neutralizing stomach acid. Several basic compound used as antacid include aluminium salts, magnesium salts, calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate.
            Antacid with high sodium content example sodium bicarbonate, are effectively neutralize gastric acid, but it should not be administered by patient with hypertension, heart problem, liver failure, or to pregnant patients.
            Calcium carbonate containing antacid can neutralize gastric acid rapidly and effectively. However, this compound can release carbon dioxide gas and thus may cause belching, nausea, abdominal distention and flatulence. Some antacid may combine with simethicone; it is useful to prevent flatulence result from the production of carbon dioxide gas. For patients who are potentially predisposed to gastroduodenal ulcer, it is advised that should not use the antacid that containing simethicone and aspirin. These will worse the condition.
            Although, aluminium ion may induce constipation and magnesium antacid promote diarrhea, but by combining magnesium and aluminium hydroxide can provide a relative balance and sustained neutralizing capacity and reduce the adverse gastrointestinal effect.
            Aluminium and magnesium containing antacid can chelate other drug which present in the stomach, thus reduce the effectiveness of the drug. It is advised that do not administered antacid with other medicine at the same time. To be uninterruption to the other medicine efficacy, antacid should be taken 2 hours before or after ingestion of other drug.
            There are some marketed antacid:Actal, Hydrosil, Suntacid, Gelusil